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Making Wholecrop Silage.

3rd July 2021

Winter cereal crops are now fast approaching the stage suitable for cutting for wholecrop. Feeding wholecrop cereal silage alongside grass silage can significantly increase the animals dry matter intake and help maximise rumen function. For these reasons wholecrop is becoming an increasingly popular feed on livestock farms. Cereals crops such as wheat, barley, oats and…

Worm control and the development of an effective worm control plan for sheep farms comes down to understanding of what is happening on individual farms throughout the year, that includes the farm structure, stocking density, management facilities available, and being aware of potential anthelmintic resistance issues. Understanding what is happening on each individual farm helps…

The control of annual and perennial weeds is good practice and a useful tool for productive grassland farming. Enhancing performance through maximising the yield of grass and ensuring optimum sward utilisation, which in turn can achieve a 10:1 return on spend with herbicides. Timing of herbicide applications are paramount to achieving the best results. Applications…

Favourable weather conditions have resulted in accelerated grass growth in recent weeks. Laura McConnell, Ruminant Nutritionist with Fane Valley feeds, explains, “As grass growth reaches its seasonal peak, now is the perfect opportunity to maximise milk from grass.” In a bid to help optimise grass utilisation, Fane Valley Feeds publishes a Grass Monitor, which can…

Growing a forage crop for the winter can be a great way of producing valuable low cost forage whilst also reducing pressure on housing and slurry storage. Early sown crops can also be used to fill any grazing gaps in late summer. In terms of summer sown forage crops the options are either brassica crops…

Sulphur is an essential plant nutrient for the growth and development of crops. Sulphur can be considered as the second most important nutrient after nitrogen. In the past, crop sulphur requirements have been met through deposition of sulphur dioxide emissions from industrial processes and the burning of coal. The implementation of environmental regulations in recent…

Fane Valley Stores are holding a ‘Spring Dosing Open Week’ from Monday 17th May 2021 to Saturday 22nd May 2021, offering great value on all veterinary medicinal products and giving expert qualified advice on the best worming programmes for your livestock throughout the grazing season. Fane Valley Stores invite all farmers to take advantage of…

Magniva silage inoculants will help grass to ensile during difficult harvest conditions. After a cold and dry April hampering grass growth May has started with continued cold weather but also rain. Whilst this rain is welcome to increase growth it makes for difficult harvest conditions.  Grass quality at cutting is key to producing high quality…

ABP has announced that it has reached agreement in principle with Fane Valley Co-op to acquire the remaining 50% holding in its red meat business, subject to approval by the relevant regulatory and competition authorities. The transaction includes Linden Foods in Northern Ireland and Slaney Foods and Irish Country Meats businesses in the Republic of…

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