Supporting Communities & Charities
Growing better together
H.E.L.P. Malawi
Fane Valley has been engaged in a three year charity partnership with Mulanje Mission Hospital and its surrounding villages. The aim of the H.E.L.P. Malawi partnership is to empower and support the people of this disadvantaged area. We are delivering sustainable improvements to their lives through a number of initiatives focused on health, education and the adoption of sustainable farming.
Fane Valley and its group staff aim to raise over £150,000 to support a range of projects including a pioneering high-quality vector control programme against malaria, the erection of new school buildings, establishing a co-operative approach to the growing and marketing of crops and the development of new solar irrigation systems.
Community Sponsorship
Fane Valley is actively involved in supporting community activities across the Province. We are delighted to partner with a range of local sporting clubs spanning all age and ability levels from grass roots to senior teams.
We recognise the important role which sporting organisations play in the development of a community. Working as a team to achieve sporting goals is absolutely consistent with the ethos of the Co-op. They additionally contribute to the development of many social and life skills the benefits of which extend well beyond the field of play.
Charity Support
Fane Valley is committed to helping those in our local community who are less fortunate than ourselves. Each year Fane Valley partners with a recognised charity to generate awareness and to raise funds in support of their work. Action for Children, Action Mental Health and Mulanje Mission Hospital, Malawi represent just a few of our more recent charity partnerships.
In addition to our headline Group Charity efforts Fane Valley also seeks to recognise charities who have impacted on the lives of employees and their families. There have been many examples of how charities have made a real difference to our colleagues through their personal struggles and as a business we like to do what we can to support this vital work.
Show Sponsorship
Fane Valley is delighted to be able to support so many local agricultural shows throughout the year. We are proud to be a Platinum sponsor of Balmoral Show, one of the most popular family events in the Northern Ireland calendar.
It is important to Fane Valley to be able to support agricultural shows who do so much to showcase the very best of the agri-food industry to wider society. It also provides us with an opportunity to acknowledge the custom we receive from farmers and the rural community throughout the year.
School Engagement
Fane Valley believe forming strong partnerships with local schools and encouraging the teaching and appreciation of agriculture can be a way to inspire young people. We want to enable them to develop skills that will help them gain employment within our thriving agri industry and to succeed in the workplace.
We enjoy supporting schools which have a clear vision and who want to create a pipeline of strong, talented young people, achieving their career aspirations and goals while preparing them with real life skills.