Based in Moira, Northern Ireland, Fane Valley Co-operative Society is now one of Ireland’s most progressive agricultural and food processing businesses, with interests in animal feed manufacturing, agricultural supplies, livestock identification and the provision of agronomy & forage services, porridge oats & breakfast cereals, the production of beef drippings, the processing of edible offal’s and fully integrated duck processing and production, operating across multiple locations in both the UK and Ireland.


Fane Valley has been supporting local agriculture since 1903. We operate an expanding network of animal feed mills and agricultural retail outlets delivering superior quality products and technical support services to the farming community. With a geographical catchment area extending across Northern Ireland and the border counties of the Republic of Ireland Fane Valley is widely recognised as a progressive agri-business with farmer interests at its core.


Fane Valley is engaged in a diverse range of food processing activities with a strong emphasis on innovation and sustainability. From the processing of duck, edible offal to breakfast cereals we work in partnership with our farmer suppliers to create a trusted ‘farm to fork’ supply chain which provides assurance to our global customer base. Our modern processing facilities are located across the UK and Ireland.


Our people are at the heart of everything we do and we recognise that our employees are key to achieving our ambitions for the business. We aim to attract the best talent and to provide an environment that encourages, inspires and motivates. At Fane Valley we put our people first.


Managing our environmental impact is not only important for the planet and the communities in which we operate; it is essential for the sustainability of our supply chains and ultimately the success of Fane Valley as a business.


We believe that companies and communities should thrive together. We therefore recognise the role we have to play in supporting our local communities. That is why we actively maintain a diverse programme of events, charitable efforts, sponsorships, fundraising initiatives, local support, donations and volunteering.

Latest News

Managing what you can control is essential when growing crops and with many variables including the weather influencing grain yield and quality, variety selection is of paramount importance as the number one risk reducer. Stephen Bell, Technical Support Manager, emphasised that Certified seed of a low-risk variety paired with a seed treatment tailored to the…

After a difficult grass growing season, we are now seeing good grass growth and thoughts turn to autumn reseeding. Many swards were damaged during the difficult spring and now provides an opportunity to correct the damage and introduce new grass to your fields by reseeding. Perennial ryegrass is the foundation of our grassland systems in…

With the range in drilling dates of winter cereal crops through autumn of 2023 extending into early 2024 crops are at various stages of ripeness and on mixed farms attention turns to options of how to get the very best value from home grown cereals especially this season where forage could be in short supply. …