Variety Selection Is Key To Spring Cereal Yield and Quality.
23rd February 2023

For spring 2023, Fane Valley are pleased to offer seed of the top performing spring barley varieties on both the UK AHDB and Irish DAFM recommended lists. Skyway and Rockway, two new spring barley varieties are leading the way in terms of yield, grain quality and disease resistance. They are medium maturity varieties, ripening in at a similar time to Prospect. Both have excellent resistance to mildew and are among the top varieties for rhynchosporium resistance. Rockway is solid in terms of straw quality, with very good resistance to lodging and straw breakdown.
Prospect, SY Splendor, LG Diablo and Evelina remain popular spring barley choices on farm. All robust high yielding varieties, with good grain quality, standing ability and disease resistance. Prospect and SY Splendor are medium maturing, with Evelina being slightly earlier and Diablo later to mature.
KWS Fixum is the standout spring wheat outperforming all other varieties in terms of yield and boosts an excellent all round agronomic package of grain quality, standing ability and disease resistance. KWS Cochise, a popular choice in recent years will also be available combining good yield and grain quality characteristics, and like KWS Fixum, is well suited for grain and whole crop markets.
Husky and WPB Isabel, two tried and tested spring oat varieties, favoured by the millers for their high kernel content and hullability traits are available again this season. Yield is similar for both varieties with Husky being earlier to mature than WPB Isabel.
Dublet spring triticale and Ovid spring rye are both available and popular fast growing, lower input alternative cereal choices for whole crop.
More detailed information on variety selection and tailored agronomy can be obtained from your local Fane Valley Agronomist or call the Agronomy and Forage Services Office on 028 9261 0485.