Maximising The Potential of Crimped Grain.
22nd July 2024

With the range in drilling dates of winter cereal crops through autumn of 2023 extending into early 2024 crops are at various stages of ripeness and on mixed farms attention turns to options of how to get the very best value from home grown cereals especially this season where forage could be in short supply.
Crimping cereal grains provides an opportunity to create a high energy, nutrient dense feed helping to balance and supplement grass silage diets.
Cereals are ready to crimp when the grain is difficult to squeeze when the forefinger and thumb and thumbnail pressure just leaves an indentation in the grain. When 70% of the grains meet these criteria, the grain will be between 25-45% moisture content and suitable for crimping.
Once cut the moist grain, it is loaded into the crimping machine where the grain is rolled, cracking the seed coat and exposing the carbohydrate in the grain to allow fermentation. At this stage a high-quality additive such as Magniva Platinum Crimp is mixed with the grain as it leaves the crimping machine. Crimped grain should be layered into a lined clamp and rolled in a wedge as for grass silage and well weighted down once filled.
Additive quality is key to getting the very best from your crimped grain both in terms of fermentation quality and feed out efficiency. Maginva Platinum Crimp is specially formulated for treating fermented grain with a unique combination of bacteria promoting faster fermentation in the clamp whilst helping prevent heating and spoilage by yeasts and moulds at feed out once the clamp is opened.
For more information on grain preservation and on-farm use contact your local Fane Valley Agronomist or call the Office on 02892 610485.