Maximise Your Wholecrop’s Potential
2nd July 2020

As we enter the month of July winter cereals begin to ripen and crops are fast entering the window for harvesting as wholecrop.
All cereals (wheat, barley, oats, triticale and rye) can be successfully ensiled to produce a wholecrop silage. Provided crops have been well managed dry matter yields, starch levels and feeding value will be maximised to provide a cost effective and valuable forage for your livestock. Harvested at the right time wholecrop is a balanced feed with energy from starch and digestible fibre. Starch supplies energy and drives milk protein, fibre also supplies energy and is important for butterfat production and rumen health. Winter wheat can yield 14-15T fresh weight per acre at 40% dry matter (5.6 – 6T dry matter per acre) similar to maize. The harvest window is quite wide, wider than many people realise and crops can be successfully ensiled in the range of 30-50% dry matter. Within this range starch will vary from 20% up to a maximum of 35%. As a target aim for 35-45%, dry matter and starch at 26-30% to maximise animal performance.
Over many years, of use Wholecrop Gold was the market-leading additive. Following the successful introduction of MAGNIVA PLATINUM WHOLECROP we are once again delighted to be able to offer the Magniva range of additives from Lallemand which have built upon the success of Wholecrop Gold with the addition of L. hilgardii CNCM I-4785 along with the well proven L. buchneri NCIMB 40788 bacteria.
Formulated specially for fermented wholecrop cereals, MAGNIVA PLATINUM WHOLECROP contains a unique combination of bacteria and enzymes, which help ensure:
- A stable clamp which can be opened earlier;
- Increased aerobic stability after opening;
- More silage to feed due to lower dry matter losses;
- Less heating so increased feed value;
- Reduced contamination with yeast and moulds;
- Improved fibre digestion and higher digestibility.
For further information on Wholecrop and how Fane Valley, can help you maximise its potential, please contact your local Agronomy and Forage Specialist or the office on 028 9261 0485.