Getting A Successful Reseed with Fane Valley.
16th August 2021
Reseeding is a significant investment of both money and time and therefore it is important that the right decisions are made to maximise its potential.
1. Get the soil right. Address any issues with the soil wither that is fertility or drainage. Assess the field for any spots which may require drainage and correct the problem. You should also take a soil sample and address soil fertility issues. If burning off an old sward the decaying sward will decrease the pH and it is important to take this into account.
2. Using the correct method. A successful reseed can be achieved with any method, work completed by Teagasc has shown similar yield results with direct drilling, discing and ploughing. It is important to get good seed to soil contact and the ground should be rolled afterwards no matter which method is used. It is important to pick the right method for your farm. Look at the decision tree below to pick the best method for you.
3. Choosing the correct seed. Depending on what the sward is to be used for and the type of land farmed, will determine what species and varieties should be included in your mixture. The Fane Valley and Morton’s grass seed range has a solution for every scenario.
4. Weed control. It is vital to control weeds both before and after sowing to give your new sward the best chance. Weeds can significantly decrease the yield of swards and it is important to get the timing right and get the weeds when they are young for the best control.
5. Managing the new reseed. It takes about 11 months for a newly sown sward to become fully established and its management in this time is critical to ensure the longevity of the sward. It is important to encourage the sward to tiller in this time to give a good dense sward that will prevent weeds from establishing. Lightly graze the sward when the plants can’t be pulled out by hand ideally using light cattle or sheep.
For more advice on reseeding call your local BASIS qualified Technical sales specialist, Fane Valley store or the Agronomy & Forage office on 028 9261 0485