Drive Profit with Better Grass at Fane Valley
23rd July 2020

This year has seen many challenges, including difficult conditions in some areas of the country which has led to low grass growth. Now we have seen a change and recent wet weather seeing a recovery in grass growth but also making conditions difficult for some. These challenges have highlighted our dependence on grass and the ability for younger swards to overcome and recover from these difficult conditions.
With variable farm gate prices it may be tempting to forget about reseeding this year however maximising production from grassland is the most cost-effective way of improving profitability. Research has shown that 1t DM/ha increase in grassland utilisation is worth over £200/ha in profit over the average yield of 7.5t DM/ha on NI dairy farms. With modern varieties capable of yields of over 15t DM/ha reseeding should be seen as a priority to drive profit on farm.
At Fane Valley the range of grass seeds contain mixtures suitable for all conditions, wither on heavy or light land or using the sward for silage, grazing or both. The mixtures contain the top yielding varieties from the Recommended List and Pasture Profit Index with species including perennial ryegrass, hybrid ryegrass, timothy, white clover, red clover and others to meet specific requirements. All our mixtures have been carefully formulated to ensure highly productive swards with the best quality ensuring you can rely upon them to deliver maximum production from your farm whatever the season brings.
Fane Valley work in close association with plant breeders at the nearby AFBI research station in Loughgall and at IBERS in Aberystwyth to ensure we can offer the latest genetics to maximise yield and quality. Our team of Technical Sales Specialists are also available for consultations to providing tailored advice and solutions for your reseeding needs.
For more information on grass seed mixtures and reseeding please contact your local Agronomy and Forage Specialist or the office on 028 9261 0485.