2020 Spring Cereal Options
24th February 2020
Following on from the poor Autumn across much of the UK and Ireland, there has been less acres of Winter cereals established than is normally the case, and some of the drilled crop will indeed need to be re-sown this Spring. As a result, Spring cereal seed is in high demand and availability is likely to be an issue as the season progresses.
Spring cereals are very versatile with uses including, combinable grain, crimping, whole cropping and as a nurse crop for grass reseeds. Regardless of the end use, grain and straw yield is of foremost importance, followed by disease and lodging resistance.
Looking first at Barley, we have varieties to suit different situations and requirements. From Planet with its strong combination of yield and disease, traits, to the high yielding, early maturing Evelina, with its promise of an earlier harvest. For those wanting to try a new variety LG Diablo offers good yields, a good brackling score and a strong disease profile on the AHDB recommended list.
Moving to Spring Wheat one breeder (KWS) continues to dominate the market, and we have on offer the best varieties available from them. Cochise offers the highest yield and a strong disease profile against the major Spring wheat diseases such as mildew. Mulika, sown widely over the past few years, is well adapted to local conditions, performing consistently on farm. All our varieties are suitable for either the grain or whole-cropping markets.
Looking at Oats, we offer three varieties. Elyann and Isabel from KWS are suitable for the milling market at Whites with high Kernel content and high Specific weights. The third variety Aspen is more suited for the feed market and ideal for whole-cropping.
For growers looking specifically at the whole crop market, Spring Triticale and Spring Rye, both offer high whole crop yields, with lower input costs. Spring Rye is particularly fast growing and offers a short growing period suiting perhaps a situation where sowing is delayed.
At Fane Valley, we are proud to supply Morton’s quality seed and work closely with farmers to ensure the availability of seed in a timely manner, with seed treatments tailored to suit the individual requirements of growers, and to get your crop off to the best start possible.
In order to secure your seed and for further information please contact the Agronomy and Forage team on 02892610485.