2020 Fane Valley Spring Reseeding Range
23rd March 2020

Last Spring saw a lot of reseeding carried out on farms across the country, with some farmers carrying out a traditional direct reseed and other’s opting for an under-sown Whole-crop, using cereal as the cover crop. Regardless of the method of reseeding, farmers have commented about the benefit in terms of response to fertiliser and increased production from the new swards.
With reduced milk and beef prices, it may be tempting to ‘miss a year’ however this is a false economy as maximising production from grassland is widely recognised as the most cost-effective way of improving profitability on Dairy, Beef and Sheep farms. Research has shown that it pays to reseed as often, as every 4th year, although with the correct mixture swards should last much longer. The key to successful reseeding is selecting the correct mixture to suit your requirements.
This year has again seen the introduction of new grass varieties and Fane Valley, as always, have incorporated them into our mixtures to produce swards with high yields, high quality and excellent density.
At Fane Valley, the range contains mixtures suitable for all conditions and uses, including heavy land or light land and silage or grazing. ‘Dual purpose’ mixtures, with or without clover and ‘stitching’ mixtures are available and include top yielding varieties from the 2020 recommended list. These tailored mixtures are, produced through the blending of grass species including Perennial ryegrass, Hybrid ryegrass, Italian ryegrass, and Timothy to meet specific requirements.
All our mixtures have been, carefully formulated to ensure highly productive swards with the best quality ensuring you can rely upon them to deliver maximum production from your farm, whatever the season brings.
Fane Valley’s team of Technical Sales Specialists, work in close association with plant breeders at the nearby AFBI research station in Loughgall and at IBERS in Aberystwyth, and are available for on farm consultations, providing tailored solutions for your reseeding needs this spring.
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For more information on Fane Valley’s Agronomy & Forage Services or to speak to your local Fane Valley Technical Sales Specialist Call: 028 9261 0485